Sunday, June 4, 2023

When you wake up and realize you're already in hell


When you wake up and realize you're already in hell, your own created hell, and or a hell others have created for you. We often create hell for others by how we perceive them. There's no worse hell than to be perceived to be something you're not, especially if that 'not' is bad.

We always here about 'transgendered', well, they should come up with another term of 'transracial', or 'transcultural'.

In that maybe you're a black person who's totally disgusted with others society lumps you in with, but because they lump you in with those you despise, the same doors that society closes on them, society also closes on you, and so now you're extra isolated.

I think blacks over the age of 40 really feel this strain of cross cultural identities, in that blacks over the age of 40, for the most part, were raised more traditionally, you know, to be mindful of elders, respectful and kind to strangers, to not kick and beat someone when they're down. All of which this newer, single parent raised and bred, generation of urban black youth have done just the reverse of.

Hundreds of sickening videos on YT, ticktock, of urban black teens acting like utter monsters, demons from hell, with no regard for human life, property, or anything. Born in the most free nation in the world, yet still choosing to act, even worse than, those born in 3rd world nations. It's depressing to watch, if you're an older black person, as all the former years spent trying to prove society wrong about 'who we are', have now just been erased by this new demonic class of urban youth.

Their actions have now solidified racism forever, as there's now 1000's of hours of videos out there that racist can say 'You see, we were right, this is who you are'...

What racists, Asian racist, Hispanic racist, Middle Eastern racist, they can all now justify their hatred and fear of black folks, do to all these violent videos floating around. And again, wanna know who suffers the most from that? Middle class, and or working class, law abiding 9-5 type of blacks, or people of color, they're the ones who suffer from this negative imagery.

Many blacks, right now if they could, would simply change their color, or ethnic traits,  and just walk away from being perceived as black, so that they could just finally relax and live a normal life, without constantly seeing ugly behavioral images of self in the new or on social media.

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What kind of short term life do I want going forward?

What kind of short term life do I want going forward? I know this, the only way I can beat the system is not having to pay rent going forwar...