Friday, April 5, 2024

What kind of short term life do I want going forward?

What kind of short term life do I want going forward?

I know this, the only way I can beat the system is not having to pay rent going forward, so that means one of a few things.

1. Outright buy land, pay cash for it, and live on that land in a motorhome or travel trailer.


But the land has to be zoned for such. If the land is zoned residential, then you can't live in your RV on that land, and if it's zone recreational or ect, then usually it's in a remote area where there's no electricity or running water, sewer, ect. But if willing to live like that, why not, cause at least not wasting 17-25 gran a year on rent.

2. Buy a new, but smaller, less expensive manufactured house/home


or just move into one already planted and hooked up to utilities. These homes are usually cheaper, and the one above is going for around $45,000 dollars...not bad.
At my age, a Gen x'r, I'm not worried about investments, I'm just worried about having a place to live where I'm not a slave to debt or working jobs I don't like just to pay the bills.

Also, just left my job about a month ago, and trying to get into the movie production business...I mean talk about a shift, from trucking, to movies...but going forward I want to do what I have a passion for, and not just hop into yet another, what I find, dull, mundane, mindless job; where you're just seen as dumb labor, and where your creative skills aren't needed.
In trucking, everyone treats you like you're dumb and mindless, and many drivers are, to be honest, but some aren't, and aspire for more.

But one thing for sure, and that is, you cannot pursue your dreams if always bogged down by rent, and bills...what kind of life is that?
I mean at least if you have your own place, paid for, you can relax, or rent it out, or get roommates...but the key is having it paid for, that's so important, and is why my next big task will be securing a home, or like number 1 suggested, getting a RV or travel trailer and when current lease expires, living on the road, or at RV camps, sure they cost, but cheaper than rent, and can move around, and if clever, can always find places to park for free, on some abandoned road, or at a Walmart, or truck stop.
Just depends on my money situation, I suppose. 
I've got some extra cash, so I've got to get this right.
The only bad thing about buying a home in one spot is that you're stuck there, whereas with a RV you can follow the opportunities and still always have a place to live.

Decisions decisions, when you're not rich, life can be a real challenge, for sure.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The art of relaxing has been forgotten by many


The art of 'relaxing', is one forgotten by many, in today's fast paced world.

Many of us have forgotten how to just relax, do to bills, deadlines, and other worries of a fast-paced society.

And then though, when actually able to relax, and slow the mind, and just not worry over immediate stuff, most of us are still unable to stop worrying about stuff and will even invent new stuff to worry about to fill the 'worry void' up with new stuff to worry about.

The art of relaxation, is one even I need to learn how to do again, if I ever truly want to be happy again.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Sunday, June 4, 2023

When you wake up and realize you're already in hell


When you wake up and realize you're already in hell, your own created hell, and or a hell others have created for you. We often create hell for others by how we perceive them. There's no worse hell than to be perceived to be something you're not, especially if that 'not' is bad.

We always here about 'transgendered', well, they should come up with another term of 'transracial', or 'transcultural'.

In that maybe you're a black person who's totally disgusted with others society lumps you in with, but because they lump you in with those you despise, the same doors that society closes on them, society also closes on you, and so now you're extra isolated.

I think blacks over the age of 40 really feel this strain of cross cultural identities, in that blacks over the age of 40, for the most part, were raised more traditionally, you know, to be mindful of elders, respectful and kind to strangers, to not kick and beat someone when they're down. All of which this newer, single parent raised and bred, generation of urban black youth have done just the reverse of.

Hundreds of sickening videos on YT, ticktock, of urban black teens acting like utter monsters, demons from hell, with no regard for human life, property, or anything. Born in the most free nation in the world, yet still choosing to act, even worse than, those born in 3rd world nations. It's depressing to watch, if you're an older black person, as all the former years spent trying to prove society wrong about 'who we are', have now just been erased by this new demonic class of urban youth.

Their actions have now solidified racism forever, as there's now 1000's of hours of videos out there that racist can say 'You see, we were right, this is who you are'...

What racists, Asian racist, Hispanic racist, Middle Eastern racist, they can all now justify their hatred and fear of black folks, do to all these violent videos floating around. And again, wanna know who suffers the most from that? Middle class, and or working class, law abiding 9-5 type of blacks, or people of color, they're the ones who suffer from this negative imagery.

Many blacks, right now if they could, would simply change their color, or ethnic traits,  and just walk away from being perceived as black, so that they could just finally relax and live a normal life, without constantly seeing ugly behavioral images of self in the new or on social media.

Monday, July 11, 2022

This video claims that it's single unwed Black women who have single handedly destroyed the black community..and video made by a B decide


I must say, this is one of the most honestly truthful social commentary videos I've seen ever, and it's spoken by Black dude, and it's been out on YT since 2013!
But today, less than an hour ago, is the first time I've ever seen

I've felt the same way for a very long time, and I'm a person of color as well, I mean who doesn't see it, and how these women having babies outside of marriage and with multiple men, who doesn't see how it's totally corroded the black community, totally, and it's gross, but these women doing it don't care.

It's why crime is so out of control, cause the people committing them on the street level come from these single B mothers, as if they've all made some 'coven' with the devil to seed the earth with demons or something, and I say that based on behavior that you see from these fatherless offspring..who grow up hating themselves and others like themselves for a variety of reasons.

Anyhow, the guy in the video says it better than I do, and more elegantly...and if you agree, than share the video cause this needs to be out there more, needs to be preached in church even, even though it's not coming from a religious angle, but still, logic is logic.

What kind of short term life do I want going forward?

What kind of short term life do I want going forward? I know this, the only way I can beat the system is not having to pay rent going forwar...